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The Israelites were often tempted to worship the gods of the Canaanites and the surrounding nations.  One of those gods was called Molech or Moloch.  He required that his worshipers sacrifice their children to him.  Here is what Wikipedia says about him. Read the rest of this entry

Attacks on the family

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Attacks on the family

by Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife

In the recent weeks, God has been telling me over and over again that Satan is waging a battle over our families. That is where we must fight. Read the rest of this entry

Praying about abortion

The battle against abortion is both political and spiritual.  We need to change laws so that unborn babies are protected, but we also need to pray for all who are involved in this activity.  We must pray that women who are considering abortion will receive the help they need to give birth to their child and support him after he is born.  We must pray that those who are involved in the business of providing abortions will recognize repent of their sin.  We must pray that all children will be allowed to be born.

Ending abortion is only the first step.  Jesus said that unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.  We must pray that those babies whose lives are saved by our efforts will go on to experience the second birth.

A warning from God

Here is something I read on Facebook.

A warning from God

by Ken Ham

“I form light and create darkness; I make well-being and create calamity; I am the LORD, who does all these things” (Isaiah 45:7). Certainly God is in total control of everything in this universe and He has allowed this coronavirus situation for His purposes. Read the rest of this entry

A pro-life atheist

Many pro-abortionists claim that the only motivation for opposing abortion is religion.  While it is true that most of the opposition to abortion comes from Christians, there are atheists and other secularists who are allied with us in this fight.  Here is part of an article that was published in World magazine. Read the rest of this entry

Post-abortive women

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Post-abortive women

by Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife

I see them everywhere. Most of them will never tell. Some of them will scream in your face. Some just cry if you bring up the topic. Read the rest of this entry

Embrace Grace, Inc

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Embrace Grace, Inc

by Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife

We love how Embrace Grace, Inc encourages Pro-Love communities! If your church or parish does not have a support group for single & pregnant or single moms, pray about starting one! Talk to other church members, present to the women’s ministry at your church. We don’t want any single moms to walk alone and Embrace Grace has a proven program that makes it easy for churches to implement. And you are empowering women in your church to save lives!

Request a sneak peek of the programs available here:


Here is something I read on Facebook.


by Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife

Everyone has been talking about Michelle Williams after the Golden Globes. I said a couple things on Twitter, but honestly have been trying to get my thoughts together. This is really a very small piece of my entire thought. Read the rest of this entry

False labels

When we buy boxes and cans of products in the store we know what we are buying because of the labels on them.  We can rely on these labels to tell us what is in the containers because there are laws requiring that labels give accurate information.

But there are times when we can’t rely on labels.  Groups of people who are trying to promote some belief often give themselves names that don’t accurately show who they are.  One example of this is found in the debate about abortion.  Those who believe abortion is wrong and are trying to end it call themselves prolife.  Those who favor abortion and believe it should be permitted say they are prochoice.  How accurate are these labels? Read the rest of this entry

Leaving the abortion industry

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Leaving the abortion industry

by Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife

A few years ago, I received a call from an abortion clinic worker who wanted to leave her job. I spoke with her for a while. She talked about “evil” in the clinic. We talked about The Lord. She had grown up in church and wanted to reconnect with her faith. I went through the next steps, told her what we would need from her and what she could expect from us. Read the rest of this entry

Ectopic pregnancies

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Ectopic pregnancies

by Emily Thomes

“When I tell people that there is no medical reason for an abortion, people often bring up the issue of ectopic pregnancies. Even well meaning, concerned pro-life people bring this up. They don’t know how to answer it and for this reason may say they are “pro life with exceptions”. This is the loophole pro aborts need to push abortion on demand, without restrictions, and without apology. If we are to abolish the evil of abortion, we would do a service to ourselves to better understand what is (and is not) an ectopic and how it relates to abortion. Read the rest of this entry

Are you blind?

Israel and Syria were at war.  Elisha frequently warned the king of Israel about Syria’s plans.

Once when the king of Syria was warring against Israel, he took counsel with his servants, saying, “At such and such a place shall be my camp.” But the man of God sent word to the king of Israel, “Beware that you do not pass this place, for the Syrians are going down there.”And the king of Israel sent to the place about which the man of God told him. Thus he used to warn him, so that he saved himself there more than once or twice.  (2 Kings 6:8-10)

Read the rest of this entry


Here is something I read on Facebook.


by Laura Fairhaven

Gospel Ministry at Preterm 11/22/19:

It was bittersweet to be back on the sidewalk after a three week absence due to illness. When I arrived, I noticed that there were three clinic escorts, a.k.a. deathscorts, who try to discourage mothers from coming to talk with us. Dale said they showed up the first week I was out and have been there since. Read the rest of this entry

Ten years

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Ten years

by Abby Johnson: ProWoman, ProChild, ProLife

I don’t really know how to describe today. Ten years ago, I walked away from Planned Parenthood. One year ago today, I lost a baby through miscarriage. So, happiness mixed with grief.

And I guess that’s the way my adult life has always been and will always continue to be. Life mixed with loss. Read the rest of this entry

Is the United States a Christian nation?

Is the Unites States a Christian nation?  The best way to answer that question is to look at what is happening in America and then compare that with what the Bible says.

In Roe v Wade the Supreme Court ruled that any woman who was pregnant had a right to end the pregnancy by aborting her baby.  The Bible calls children a blessing from God. Read the rest of this entry


I am pro-life.  I believe that life is a gift given to each person and only God has the right to take that life from him.  A person who commits serious crimes such a murder may forfeit his right to life; if that happens it is permissible for the government to take that life from him.  Except in cases like that no human has the right to take the life of another human.

I am pro-choice.  I believe God has given all of us the power to make choices.  Sometimes we may make wrong choices that have tragic consequences but we are free to make those choices.

Because I am pro-life and pro-choice I am anti-abortion.  Abortion destroys an innocent life and prevents it from ever making any choices.  Unfortunately I can’t tell anyone I am pro-choice because that would give them a false idea of what I believe.  Advocates of abortion have stolen the “pro-choice” label and use it to indicate that someone is in favor of allowing abortion.  They say that pregnant women have the right to choose to end their pregnancies by killing their unborn child.  They deny that the child has any rights.

This isn’t the first time Satan has tried to suppress the truth be having his followers apply to themselves a name or label that rightfully belongs to those who support the truth.  There are false religions that call themselves by names that actually belong to Christians.   Identity theft

On earth as it is in Heaven

Matthew 6:9-13 contains the prayer known as the Lord’s Prayer.  It contains the phrase “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  Is this part of the prayer being answered today?  It appears to me that most of the earth is rebelling against God’s will rather than following it.

The Bible tells us that God created the world and everything in it in six days and we should acknowledge him as our Creator.  Humans have come up with the belief that the earth developed by natural processes over billions of years and that life arose by a process of evolution.  This belief is such an integral part of our culture that even many Bible believers accept it and interpret the Bible in a way that accommodates the belief that the earth is old.  I once believed in an old earth and reconciled this belief with the Bible by believing in the gap theory. Read the rest of this entry

Christians and government

Christians disagree about how involved we should be in government.  Some believe we should not be involved at all and not even vote in elections.  Others think we should use the government as a way to promote Christianity.  Most Christians adopt a position somewhere between these two extremes.  We need to look at what the Bible says about this subject.

We are commanded to pray for our government leaders.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.  (1 Timothy 2:1,2)

The command is found in the Old Testament as well as the New.

But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.  (Jeremiah 29:7)

This was what Jeremiah told the exiles in Babylon to do.  Since Christians are citizens of Heaven we are in the same position as those exiles; we are exiled from our native land and living in a foreign country.  This is true even if we are living in the country in which we were born. Read the rest of this entry

Saving social security

The social security system in the United States will soon face a financial crisis.  Retirees are living longer than they have in the past.  At one time there were 41 workers paying into the system for each retiree receiving benefits; there are now about 3 workers for each retiree.

One contributing factor to this trend is the legalization of abortion in the United States.  Since the Roe vs. Wade decision almost 60 million babies have been aborted. If they had been allowed to live many of them would now be working and paying into the social security system.  Ending abortion might not be enough to solve the system’s problems but it would certainly help.

Even if abortion were ended it would be almost 20 years before the effects would be felt.  But there is another way we can find more workers to support social security.  That is to encourage immigration and open our borders to refugees who have been forced to flee their homelands.  We should encourage these people to settle in the United States, find jobs, and begin paying social security.

There are a lot of public discussion of abortion and immigration but I don’t recall anyone discussing the affects of these topics on social security.  I have also heard a lot of discussion the the social security crisis but I don’t recall anyone suggesting changing the laws on abortion and immigration as possible solutions.  If our leaders realized how these subjects are interconnected they might find it easier to solve the problems connected with them.

Any American who cares about the welfare of our retirees should oppose abortion and support increased immigration but Christians have other reasons to do this.  I have made two posts in this blog about those reasons.


Immigration and evangelism

Life at Conception Act

Congress could end abortion without overturning Roe vs.Wade simply by passing a law stating that life begins at conception.  The authority to do this is contained within the decision itself.

Working from what the Supreme Court ruled in Roe, pro-life lawmakers can pass a Life at Conception Act and end abortion by using the Constitution instead of amending it.

A simple majority vote in both houses of Congress is all that is needed to pass a Life at Conception Act as opposed to the two-thirds required to add a Constitutional amendment.

When the Supreme Court handed down its now-infamous Roe v. Wade decision, it did so based on a new, previously undefined “right of privacy” which it “discovered” in so-called “emanations” of “penumbrae” of the Constitution.

Of course, as constitutional law it was a disaster. But never once did the Supreme Court declare abortion itself to be a Constitutional right.

Instead the Supreme Court said:

“We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins . . . the judiciary at this point in the development of man’s knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer.”

Then the High Court made a key admission:

“If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case [i.e. “Roe” who sought the abortion], of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.”

That’s exactly what a Life at Conception Act would do.

When Barack Obama was president it would have done no good to pass such an act because it would almost certainly have been vetoed.  Now we have a president who is pro life and would probably sign it.  The passage of this act would be a pro life victory. Read the rest of this entry

Bible-Science Guy

Debunking evolutionism. Proclaiming Truth. Exalting the Creator. Exploring Creation.

Failing Pastor

By all measures of pastoral success; I am a disaster

Kingdom Pastor

Living Freely In God's Kingdom

My Walk, His Way - daily inspiration

Blue Collar Theologian

Encouragement for Average, Everyday Life

Across many a bad night*

‘Once you have given up the ghost everything follows with dead certainty, even in the midst of chaos.’ ― Henry Miller ‘Tropic of Capricorn’

To the Remnant

Biblical Answers to Questions and Issues

Christ in You

... Life and Love in Jesus

Dumbest Blog Ever

Stu[pidity] on Stareoids


Discussing Biblical Authority


For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. (Exodus 20:11)

My Rainy, Windy Life

Life is not mundane.

His Eternal Word

Psalm 119:89,"Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven"