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Creation to Babel

The first eleven chapters of Genesis are the foundation on which the authority of the Bible rests. Ken Ham, the director of Answers in Genesis, has written a commentary on these chapters entitled Creation to Babel. In it he shows clearly that the earth was created is six days and is not millions of years old, that the flood in Noah’s time was worldwide, and that the building of the tower of Babel really happened. Here is a description of the book from the Answers in Genesis website.

There has never been a commentary like this one!

Dive deep into this foundational portion of Scripture with apologetics teaching as well as theological and devotional insights.

How was there light before the sun? What is “protoevangelium”? Are Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 different or contradictory accounts of creation? Ken Ham answers these questions (collected over four decades of speaking on Genesis)—and many more—in his unique commentary on Genesis 1–11. Combining apologetics teaching, doctrine, theology, and devotional insights, this commentary is a tool for the whole family to grow in their knowledge of God and his Word.

Creation to Babel: A Commentary for Families will equip families to stand on God’s Word, to understand why creation to Babel is such a foundational portion of Scripture, and to see what God reveals about himself in the early chapters of Genesis.

You can order the book here:

Margaret Sanger

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Margaret Sanger

by Ken Ham

So who made these statements? “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it”; “Birth Control does not mean contraception indiscriminately practised (sic). It means the release and cultivation of the better elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks—those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” Read the rest of this entry

Darwin and racism

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Darwin and racism

by Ken Ham

I’ve been saying this in posts and presentations for a long time. I agree with this author that, “Even by the most generous of measures, the intellectual and philosophical heritage of Charles Darwin is one of the most hideously racist legacies one can fathom. And yet, his inherently racist dogma is not only presented in public schools across America, it is state and federal policy that every student in America demonstrate proficiency in understanding and applying his dangerous ideology.” Read the rest of this entry

Does Charles Darwin approve of “Answers in Genesis”?

Answers in Genesis is an organization founded and led by Ken Ham that is dedicated to proving that the Bible’s account of creation recorded in Genesis is true and can be supported scientifically.  It has aroused a great deal of controversy.  It is strongly supported by many Bible believers.  It is disliked by unbelievers who accept the popular idea that life evolved over millions of years and even by some Christians who also accept this belief.  (For a long time I was in this group.  I was a Christian but I also believed that the theory of evolution had been scientifically proven.  If I had known of Answers in Genesis I would probably have believed that what it was teaching was false.  In the last few years I have come to realized that in fact there is no evidence supporting evolution.) Read the rest of this entry

God has ordained government

Here is something I read on Facebook.

God has ordained government

by  Ken Ham

Some recent news items reported on politicians holding and even reading from the Bible. Well, all politicians (including governors and mayors) need to read and understand the following: “For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Romans 13:1). Read the rest of this entry

Spiritual health

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Spiritual health

by Ken Ham

Actually, a person’s spiritual health is not just essential, it is most essential, in fact vital! “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). Read the rest of this entry

The worst pandemic

Here is something I read on Facebook.

The worst pandemic

by Ken Ham

A gay news source wrote an article about me with this headline: “Thousands of people are dying from coronavirus every day, but this Christian fundamentalist is raging over two gay cartoon ducks.” Read the rest of this entry

A warning from God

Here is something I read on Facebook.

A warning from God

by Ken Ham

“I form light and create darkness; I make well-being and create calamity; I am the LORD, who does all these things” (Isaiah 45:7). Certainly God is in total control of everything in this universe and He has allowed this coronavirus situation for His purposes. Read the rest of this entry

Faith and Fear

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Faith and Fear

by Ken Ham

When Peter and other disciples were in the boat on the sea and battling strong waves and wind, Jesus came walking on the water toward them. Peter had great faith and asked if he could walk to Jesus on the water. Jesus said to come, so “So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus” (Matthew 14:29). Read the rest of this entry


Here is something I read on Facebook.  It is in response to this article.


by Ken Ham

The article states: “Social progressivism has left us after the past two decades in a place where marriage is whatever we want it to be, gender is whatever we want it to be, and even history is whatever we think we need it to be to solve today’s problems. All is relativism” This is true, but why? Read the rest of this entry

Spending money

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Spending money

by Ken Ham

The amount of money (hundreds of millions of dollars) already spent on the US 2020 elections, and what will be spent, makes the amount spent on building the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum pale in comparison. Read the rest of this entry

Colleges in darkness

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Colleges in darkness

by Ken Ham

What does “Dominus Illumina Tio Mea” mean on this building at one of the colleges in Oxford (Oxford University, England)? It’s actually the motto of the University of Oxford, which uses the opening words of Psalm 27, “The Lord is my light.” It appears on the university’s arms and has been used since the second half of the sixteenth century. But sadly, there’s very little light at Oxford University. Now there is mainly darkness, as the pernicious religion of atheistic evolution, as represented by their high priest Darwin, permeates the education system and the culture. Read the rest of this entry

Christian worldview

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Christian worldview

by Ken Ham

Genesis chapters 1-11 contain the biological, geological, astronomical, and anthropological history that is foundational to the rest of the Bible, to all doctrine, to the Christian worldview. Read the rest of this entry

Creation vs. evolution – a battle of two religions

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Creation vs. evolution—a battle of two religions

by Ken Ham

Gizmodo, an Australian site owned by an online media company, expressed discouragement at a recent Gallup poll in the USA showing 40% of Americans believe God created humans just thousands of years ago. Read the rest of this entry

Is polyamory next?

Here is something I read on Facebook.

Is polyamory next?

by Ken Ham

“Princeton University professor Robert P. George warned in ‘Is Polyamory Next?’ for The American Interest in 2015 that homosexual ‘marriage’ opens the door to marriage that includes more than two persons.”

“‘If gender doesn’t matter for marriage, they ask, why should number matter?’ he asked. ‘If love makes a family,’ as the slogan went when the cause being advanced was gay marriage, then why should their family be treated as second class? Why should their marriage be denied legal recognition and the dignity and social standing that come with it?” Read the rest of this entry

How to support LGBTQ kids

Here is something I read on Facebook.

How to support LGBTQ kids

by Ken Ham

In California, “…teacher[s] would be ordered to undergo training on how to support kids who identify as LGBTQ.”

The best way to support them is to teach them the truth about where they came from—that God created the universe and all life including the first two people, created male and female (Genesis 1:27). And God created the first marriage: one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). Read the rest of this entry

We need a new reformation

On October 31 1517 Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses to the door of a church in Wittenburg, Germany.  He claimed that the Church had departed from accepting the Bible as its sole authority and that many of the doctrines it taught were based on human traditions and opinions.  This was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.

Today there is a new error that is causing many Christians to reject the Bible’s authority.  Most people believe that the earth is millions of years old and that all life developed by a process of evolution.   This belief is so pervasive that many Christians accept it and interpret the first 11 chapters of Genesis to accommodate it. Read the rest of this entry

Bible-Science Guy

Debunking evolutionism. Proclaiming Truth. Exalting the Creator. Exploring Creation.

Failing Pastor

By all measures of pastoral success; I am a disaster

Kingdom Pastor

Living Freely In God's Kingdom

My Walk, His Way - daily inspiration

Blue Collar Theologian

Encouragement for Average, Everyday Life

Across many a bad night*

‘Once you have given up the ghost everything follows with dead certainty, even in the midst of chaos.’ ― Henry Miller ‘Tropic of Capricorn’

To the Remnant

Biblical Answers to Questions and Issues

Christ in You

... Life and Love in Jesus

Dumbest Blog Ever

Stu[pidity] on Stareoids


Discussing Biblical Authority


For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. (Exodus 20:11)

My Rainy, Windy Life

Life is not mundane.

His Eternal Word

Psalm 119:89,"Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven"