
Here is something I read on Facebook.


by Joshua Arnold

Depression is still something a Christian may sink into and suffer from. We are not freed from the possibility of it, as our souls are still wrapped in this corrupted flesh, and so we must be equipped to deal with it if we happen to ever find ourselves suffering in this way.

Since we may have this idea that Christians aren’t supposed to get depressed, it only adds to our burden and grief when we do find ourselves suffering from any degree of depression. We may start to think we must not be Christians because of it. We may think “This is totally and entirely opposite to what any reasonable person would expect God to have me go through if I were His child. I can’t see God’s hand in any of this. How can this possibly work for my good?! I’m hurting here! This seems so cruel! He knows I am suffering, how can He let this go on when He could remove it all in an instant?! I thought He was a loving and caring God. Therefore there is no way I’m a child of God. If God really cared for me like a Father, He wouldn’t let me suffer with this for so long, especially since I have been begging Him everyday to deliver me!”

And when we start thinking hard thoughts of God like this, we insult His love, goodness and wisdom, and Satan rejoices. The Enemy loves to tempt us with thinking hard thoughts of our infinitely good and gracious God. We need to realize that we are wrong for thinking these lies about God.
There are many things that could be suggested and advised for someone suffering in this way, and one of those things is this:

Understand that God’s thoughts and ways are infinitely higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). He tends to work in opposites when He is working with mankind. And when everything seems contrary to a child of God, they may know God is certainly working in it all for their good (Romans 8:28). His heart is for us, not against us.

He makes us walk through a wilderness before entering the promised land.

He has us sow in tears before we reap in joy.

Before He fills a man with pleasure in Him, He empties them of their pleasures of the world.

Before He raises a man up, He brings them low.

Before He consoles, He convicts.

Before He justifies a man in Christ, He condemns them by His Law.

Before He gives eternal life in Christ, He has us die to ourselves.

Before He comforts, He afflicts.

Before He binds up the heart, He breaks it.

Before He makes a man wise, He makes them become fools (1 Corinthians 3:18).

Before He will be a man’s strength, He will have them be weak. (2 Corinthians 12:9).

God saves the best wine for last, and gives us our worst life temporarily before our best life forever after.

He has made it so that in order to be first, a man must be last, and in order to be the greatest with the highest honor, a man must be the lowest servant.

And so, as you can see for yourself, God does not work like mankind does. His ways aren’t anything like our ways.

If you find yourself in such a miserable condition, it is so important to understand that something serious is going on here, and you have every reason to keep cleaving to Him. Don’t sink. Hold on to God’s promises that are all Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ (2 Cor 1:20). Cleave to them with all your might. You must pray with whatever strength you have, even if it hurts you. Read and listen to the word and get with Christian friends.

None of this is in vain, that’s a promise (Romans 8:28). You are the perfect candidate for God’s grace and glory to be magnified, and you are closer to being lifted up and comforted than you have ever been.

The soul that is lowest is the soul that is closest to being raised up. If He has kept you low for long, it may very well be to work patience in us, and to make the deliverance from this bitter condition all the more sweeter.

We can absolutely count on this: Our soul will rejoice and praise the LORD again (Psalms 43:5). Amen.

Posted on July 26, 2020, in Facebook and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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