A Wonder of Life

Here is something I read on Facebook.

A Wonder of Life

by Lester Peoples

While passing a counter in a favorite Nursery Shop

I noticed all these packets, so I took time to stop.

These in particular had flower photo printed on its front

a person had some idea now, of what they might confront.

Feeling little seeds that were special in each case

having a direction for planting; both of time and place.

You don’t have to know the name of every given flower

but I just love to admire them all, and could spend an hour,

spellbound at the beauty and each having its special blend

Some look somewhat similar with others; wonder if their kin.

A labor of love must first be used to sow properly each seed

and give it water and sunshine and whatever else it might need.

Special pots that must be clean and mulch to produce each flower

are arranged and seed distributed –don’t expect to finish in an hour.

Patience will be rewarded when the stem breaks through the ground

producing green support for leaves and bulbs later to be found.

But when you feast your eyes upon a flower starting in to bloom

and its color and amazing shape appear, you’d wish to fill the room!

Life, is what is produced by love. Our creator God, who is Magnificent in All ways; is the sole Author and creator, designer of all things that are produced and reproduced as we know things to exist, in our lives.We are able most to appreciate all these things if we think of a flower. God has a wonderful imagination and when He created a flower so many thoughts of design and pleasure went into this object it is hard to imagine how we can so easily take for granted every aspect of all the things shared in a single plant of earth having life. We give flowers to each other as gifts, remembrances, in love, condolence, and just special times to share love. God surely created each flower with this thought in mind as he shares them with us. Beside the beauty and magnificent color, many have special fragrances that are connected to special varieties. Each variety has its special shape to be recognised from other varieties. We should notice that all things work together to the glory of God. Our frail human bodies of flesh and blood need constant care to maintain health and vigor to survive. We are cared for and blessed just as plants and animals on earth and can compare the two in ways showing the handiwork of God.

Life at conception can be looked upon as a seed placed in soft soil with proper nutrients provided to sustain life in its special form and place. A flower enjoyed on a hillside or a pasture were planted by a hand unseen and cared for by sun, rain and a breeze providing oxygen and airborne things of need to make this plant grow strong in its environment. A mother upon discovering she is with child must now take certain precautions on what is consumed in food and drink to help the growth of a new being within her. After birth of a child a much longer process takes place in teaching, training minds to understand, whereas a plant is short lived, withers and dies, but its care and beauty are to be used to give joy and pleasure to man that is the gift of his God. It is provided seed to be saved and sown and nurtured by some who love the green thumb handling of vegetation.

When small soft plant pots are filled with potting soil and seed placed at proper depth and number them moisture must be shared to activate and start the softening of the seed to germinate, while a warm condition must be provided and maintained and not allowed to get frost bitten, flooded or too dry. Man takes over Gods handiwork as he strived to produce what each seed is capable of. God has designated each seed to a special flower or bush to produce what it was formally designed.

What a joy to see the spreading apart of the soil as a stem protrudes and starts reaching upward toward the God who made it possible. Now, special care of moisture and in proper amounts of each, both sunlight and warmth, will allow this small stem to rise upward spreading small leaves and later producing a bulb that will display the life of a beautiful flower as it emerges from its green petal wrapping. Things must not be hurried as God uses time but in a way different than ours. Reward requires patience. A protected prize that awaits the opening of each pedal on the blossom starts revealing the color and shape begins to take form showing what the finished, beautiful, tender, sweet smelling miracle you gaze upon, will be. Can it become a single cut flower to sit in a slim vase alone to receive all the praise and admiration it deserves for its short life, or will it be part of a bouquet that will fill a center piece on the middle of a large table? You can decide as it will be you who will smell the fragrance if it produces smell, or the lovely color arrangement it produces for your pleasure.

Posted on August 24, 2019, in Facebook and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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