Things I have read on the internet – 69

My latest list of good internet articles.


What If My Pastor Avoids Genesis?

Fetuses may be able to distinguish between languages

Bible texts prosperity preachers wish did not exist

A Yo-Yo Without String Living

Mythbusters: “Slain in the Spirit”

Divorce is bad for your kids health.

Royal Dutch Airlines Ironic “It doesn’t matter who you click with” Tweet


Charlottesville, VA: Vetted Facts

Does Ancient Art from Pompeii Prove the Bible Supports Gay “Marriage”?

C4 Plants

John McEnroe Shreds Serena and Reality- why gender matters in tennis and marriage.

Posted on August 18, 2017, in websites and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I generally do not have an opportunity to read all the websites you cite. However, you clearly take care in searching the internet for relevant articles. I appreciate that. I especially liked the article on fetuses and language. Have a blessed week!

    Liked by 1 person

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